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lessons from/for my work life.

lessons from my work life last year:

i have become a much happier and contented person after choosing to compartmentalise my social media and internet life into work and non-work; consequently, my multiple selves can live out their respective multiple lives in multiple places

i can feel overwhelmed by the number of things streaming into my inbox but i don’t have to do All The Things; subsequently, people can be upset if i say no but i don’t have to carry the burden of their disappointment

i will feel upset by microaggressions and racism and sexism but i can let these feelings pass through my body and not hold on to them; specifically, it is important to call out prejudice and inequality but after processing these feelings i should work towards improving the status quo

i may keep up-to-date with everything happening in the world but i don’t have to react to everything; alternatively, i don’t have to keep up-to-date with everything happening in the world all the time and can relinquish fomo

i don’t need to earn rest or kindness to myself like a reward but can always be restful and kind to myself as a baseline; accordingly, i will also treat others in kindness

goals for my work life this year:

to make more feelings into writings.

to share resources with those who need it.

to be a more empathetic mentor.

to be a more incisive thinker.

to be restful.


1 reply »

  1. The strategy is smart and useful for an unorganized person, such as me.
    My goals for new year: 1) try my best to be a consistency myself, from conscious and unconscious;2) find a job and settle down; 3) convey helpful ideas to people who need it; 4) find my confidence back; 5) respect nature, life and people.

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