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Quick thoughts on #SanBernardino on Instagram.

Wish I could track #SanBernardino on Instagram today, but am tied up conferencing. Here are quick observations as of 0724hrs GMT+11:

Instagrams are 90% screen grabs of Internet and television news reports. Much regramming of bloodied victims, police in action, headlines.

Unlike #PorteOuverte in which users were quick to repost romantic images of Paris from their travels – As if to say “I’ve been there, I know you, I feel you, I share your sorrow.”

Unlike #CharlieHedbo in which pencil and French memes were quick to surface – As if to say “French liberties must be protected, the paper was an institution, we must unite as a profession and as a country.”

Unlike yellow umbrellas and teargas masks quick to surface on #OccupyCentral – As if to say “The reactionary violence is overstated, we are non-violent, we are everyday, we unite in solidarity under a shared vision.”

No iconic landscape, meme, face of victims/attackers, one-liner adage for #SanBernardino yet. Some possible speculations why.

1) Too many shootings annually in the US. Attention fatigue. Compassion fatigue. Unable to mark event as distinct from others.

2) No widely held American icon of romanticism. Maybe the Statue of Liberty? But unsure if this was about freedoms. Any localized landmark in California?

3) Early discourse of events being shaped and disseminated by press. Few vernacular accounts or live citizen-journalism style social media posts.

4) People are going past mourning over loss but rather reacting more towards big picture, systemic issues like gun laws.

End of quick thoughts.

Beep here.